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What is the Pack 227 Campership

The Pack 227 Camper-ship

This website was made to educate people, like you, about the Pack 227 camper- ship, and why we started it. We think this is important because we want everyone to go on these awesome adventures, and be able to learn more about the wild, the world, and create good memories. We want to create this as a legacy for the future Arrows of Light scouts. We want to leave this as a legacy because we want pack 227 to grow and grow.

Rules and Details

Some information about the program that you might want to know...

Here are a few highlights of the rules

  1. The scout must have Participated for at least 1.5 months in the Pack

  2. The scout must have participated in at least one fundraiser or service project 

  3. If multiple people are requesting money at the same time, available funds should be distributed evenly. 

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